FCS Programs

Parent Café

Monthly group meetings that provide meaningful, reflective conversations that promote parent leadership and collaboration.


To build a network of parents who will participate in this important tool for engagement in keeping families strong, to promote well-being, healing, and peace, and to prevent child abuse and neglect.

What is a Parent Café?

  • A gathering of fellow parents
  • A nurturing & safe environment
  • Parent led & facilitated
  • No judgement or advice
  • New theme every month

The Five Protective Factors:

1. RESILIENCE - Parental Resilience

Being strong and flexible.

2. RELATIONSHIPS - Social Connections

Parents need friends.

3. KNOWLEDGE - Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development

Being a great parent is part natural and part learned.

4. SUPPORT - Concrete Support In Times Of Need

Everybody needs help some times.

5. COMMUNICATION - Social & Emotional Competence of Children

Parents need to help their children communicate.


  • Build Friendships
  • Learn Resources
  • Gain Support
  • Enhance Knowledge

Program Contact

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the program, please contact the Program Coordinator below:
Jose Castro
Wells County Family Services
Community resources for families and youth

Request An Appointment

Let Family Centered Services Help Make A Difference Today!
Healthy Families America (HFA)United Way of Wells County
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