Eagle Scouts Troop #149, Parker McCartney, was recently awarded with a $500 Youth As Resources (YAR) grant to carry out their project entitled “Pool Shed.” This project helped the Wells County Community Pool by providing a proper place to store their pool chemicals as their old pool shed was severely worn down. Throughout the process, the troop learned how to keep a budget, build an entire structure from the ground up, and how to adapt when things don’t go as they planned.
YAR is a program that recognizes youth as a valuable community resource. The program is governed by a youth/adult partnership responsible for awarding grants up to $500 to other local youth organizations to design and carry out community service projects. To receive a grant proposal, contact Courtney Ginter at Family Centered Services (260-824-8574 or WellsYAR@yahoo.com) or visit www.fcs-inc.net.
Pictured (from left): Parker McCartney, YAR Board Member Otto Fiechter, YAR Board Member Naomi Dailey, and YAR Coordinator Courtney Ginter