In order to claim money awarded to FCS through grants the agency is now required to raise matching dollars.
Your contribution to Family Centered Services will help provide families and children with the support and guidance they need at a critical time in their life. Your investment helps guarantee a better future for our community. We invite you to give back to Wells, Adams and Huntington Counties. The choice is yours, but the rewards are shared by everyone – especially the families who represent our future.
Communities served by FCS have saved millions of dollars because of programs that prevent children and youth from entering the child welfare system and/or juvenile justice system. YOU can be a part of making this difference through your monetary donation.
Support the mission of Family Centered Services with ease through our secure online giving platform.
Choose to make a one-time donation or set up convenient monthly contributions using your credit card or bank account. Every gift helps us create positive change for the families and individuals we serve.
Lower your Taxes by giving to Family Centered Services: Donating Stock
Are you interested in making a charitable gift that may yield double tax benefits and additional savings? If so, a gift of appreciated stock may be the right option for you. A gift of stock may provide more benefits than a cash gift. When you make a gift of stock to Family Centered Services, by eliminating the capital gains tax that would be due upon selling the stock, you receive tangible tax-savings and benefits while also supporting our mission of changing children’s lives and families directions. A gift of stock may be right for you if:
As with all planned giving, please consult your Tax Specialist to ensure this means of supportingus is right for you.
How can I change the lives of children and strengthen families, A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.
Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle because they are the easiest, and most tax-savvy way to give to Family Centered Services.
How does a donor-advised fund work?
What are the benefits of giving through a donor-advised fund?
Giving to Families, while Benefiting your Own: IRA-QCD
What is a qualified charitable distribution?
A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a distribution of funds from your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to Family Centered Services. Because the gift goes directly to a charity without passing through your hands, the dollar amount of the gift may be excluded from your taxable income up to a maximum of $100,000 annually, with some exceptions. Please consult your tax advisor for information regarding your specific exceptions. To learn more about QCDs, please visit »
Who can make a qualified charitable distribution?
QCDs can be made by IRA owners who are age 70 1/2 or older. On QCDs made prior to that age, you are required to take a minimum distribution from your retirement assets (pre-Required Minimum Distribution QCDs). This will not reduce or otherwise impact future Required Minimum Distribution. Your tax advisor can provide additional information on your situation.
When you are required to take money from your IRA but do not need it for living expenses, you can choose to make QCDs to support the work of Family Centered Services. To learn more about eligibility, please visit »
How do I make a qualified charitable distribution to Family Centered Services?
Your QCD must be made directly from your IRA custodian to Family Centered Services on your behalf. Each financial institution has its own process for initiating a qualified charitable distribution. Account holders can sometimes find it challenging to access the right information. Many retirement plan administrators require you to use their distribution forms and comply with other requirements, so follow your financial institution’s forms and procedures to ensure you receive any potential tax benefits associated with this gift, and as always, consult your Tax Advisor.
Prefer to give by mail? Simply send your check to:
Family Centered Services
1515 N. Sutton Circle Drive
Bluffton, IN 46714
Your generous support by mail helps us continue making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your contribution!